Fidel Castro the greatest example of solidarity in Latin America and the Caribbean


  • María A. Núñez-Valerino Universidad de Oriente
  • Nadia Barrabí-Guardiola Universidad de Oriente
  • Clara Inés Fonseca-Prades Universidad de Oriente


humanism, ethicity, solidarity, anti-imperialism, internationalism, collaboration


Each century has its man who marks it, history in the twentieth century in Cuba was inscribed by Fidel Castro Ruz, sacred son of the Fatherland, faithful continuator of humanist thought, solidarity of Martí and Bolívar, founding fathers of solidarity and anti-imperialist thinking of our America as distinguished by our Apostle. The Commander-in-Chief of the revolution from an early age understood the need to achieve an alliance between the Latin American and Caribbean nations, in order to face imperialism and its expansionist interests, turned their ideas into an action guide, in the face of today's Pan-Americanism, On the interests of our peoples, that is the anti-imperialism that he promulgated at this time, a tireless fighter for justice, dignity, solidarity and revolutionary and internationalist spirit. The purpose of the work is to reflect on Fidel's solidarity and anti-imperialist thinking in the twentieth century, which transcends the twenty-first.


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4. Castro, F. (1982). Discurso IV Congreso de la Unión de Jóvenes Comunista. La Habana.

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9. Núñez, M. A. (2006). La Cultura Histórica en los estudiantes de la Secundaria Básica en Santiago de Cuba. (Tesis de maestría). Escuela Provincial del Partido Comunista de Cuba, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.

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11. Resoluciones (1975). Partido comunista de Cuba Política Exterior Cubana, aprobada en el I Congreso. Editora Política. La Habana.

12. Suárez, E. T. (2002), Mambises del siglo XX. Ediciones Verde Olivo, Ciudad de La Habana.

13. Suri, S. (2008). Diccionario de pensamiento de Fidel Castro. Editora Política. La Habana.



How to Cite

, , & . (2020). Fidel Castro the greatest example of solidarity in Latin America and the Caribbean. Maestro Y Sociedad, 86–96. Retrieved from

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