Treatment of representation from a socio-pedagogical approach in the training of education professionals


  • Roberto Hernández-Zayas Universidad de Oriente
  • Miguel Ángel Kindelán-Domínguez Universidad de Oriente


representation, education, professional training


The article reveals how the representation in education is aimed at developing the application of educational strategies in the training of the pedagogical professional, from the perspective, that enriches the human transformative capacity and its development through the academic, research and the labor, likewise reflects on the need for the appropriation of knowledge, skills and values associated with elements that make it possible to visualize the student in training in the educational process that will be undertaken in the future in the face of the diversity and heterogeneity of the individual to which it will form as a social assignment, which will allow them to be able to criticize, face and solve problems in pedagogical practice, in a creative and responsible way, and competently comply with their profession.


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How to Cite

, & . (2019). Treatment of representation from a socio-pedagogical approach in the training of education professionals. Maestro Y Sociedad, 16(1), 28–36. Retrieved from


