Interdisciplinary approach in a practical class of the bachelor in Biology degree


  • Ania M. Cutiño-Jiménez Universidad de Oriente
  • Daniel Carbonell-Yuanis Universidad de Oriente
  • Maria del Carmen Rodríguez-López Universidad de Oriente
  • Joaquín Menéndez-Sánchez Universidad de Oriente


Interdisciplinarity, Evolutionary Biology, Biological Anthropology, Social Problems of Science and Technology


The plan D of the Bachelor in Biology degree is characterized by the interdisciplinarity and the use of active teaching methods. Although it was implemented in our Department since the academic year 2007-2008, the number of interdisciplinary classes and assessments that motivate and compromise the student intellect by using different knowledge areas is still insufficient. In the present work we analyze an interdisciplinary practical class addressed to students of fifth year integrating the subjects Evolutionary Biology, Biological Anthropology and Social Problems of Science and Technology. According to our experience, this activity improves the quality of the teaching-learning process, based on the integration of different knowledge areas by a team make up of teachers. Moreover, this class promotes the dedication and motivation of the students.


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How to Cite

, , , & . (2018). Interdisciplinary approach in a practical class of the bachelor in Biology degree. Maestro Y Sociedad, 15(4), 819–830. Retrieved from




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