The orientation to families for the prevention of school violence from the educational institution


  • Rosa Das Dores Mutango-Ndala


family orientation, prevention, school violence, counseling


The research addresses a thematic of particular importance at the present time, for the proper development of the children, the orientation to the family for the prevention of the Violence school in the secondary education first cycle in Angola. From the observed demonstrations, methods and instruments were applied that corroborated the need to offer actions that from a glance towards intercultural integration, propitiates that society and in particular the Education in the school and the family, provide an adequate orientation to their schoolchildren, promoting healthy and happy growth. It is the intention of this work to prepare teachers so that they can contribute to the orientation of families in order to prevent violence in secondary school students of the first cycle in the Angolan context.


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How to Cite

(2018). The orientation to families for the prevention of school violence from the educational institution. Maestro Y Sociedad, 15(4), 735–744. Retrieved from


