La Educación Familiar y el Juego: Alternativa necesaria para la comunicación afectiva del niño(a) en la edad preescolar


  • Bárbara Núñez-Valerino
  • María Antonia Núñez-Valerino


The Family Education and the Game: Alternative needed for the emotional communication of the child in the preschool age. The formation of the new man is a fundamental condition for the construction of new society. In that sense is considered necessary to stimulate the development of children in the ages of 0 to 6 years by the educational institutions is fundamental," The triumph of the Revolution in Cuba led to profound and radical changes in the economic, political and social reflected in the Cuban family differently, in our context the Cuban gives great importance to family to improve their role in the formation of the new generation, One of the essential functions of the family as a social institution is to provide the first educational it implies, that the formation of civic attitudes, policies, transmission of moral values, love for others, and work to achieve knowledge so as to prepare them for life .,the role of parents and family in terms of preparing children between 0 to 5 years for its entry to the school, highlighting the game as a vital element in their development as an entity social, and the establishment of a channel of communication as the essence of social relations, of man as a social being.  Education begins at home and various actions can be developed to understand the family as a functional system as an intermediary between society and the individual.  The best and most fun ways to do that is by playing, since playing is their main task.



How to Cite

, & . (2017). La Educación Familiar y el Juego: Alternativa necesaria para la comunicación afectiva del niño(a) en la edad preescolar. Maestro Y Sociedad, 5(1). Retrieved from


