Using online authentic materials and language corpus to foster vocabulary acquisition in English



Palabras clave:

online authentic materials, vocabulary, English language teaching


The use of authentic materials in English language teaching has been the focus of study of many professionals of this field. Consequently, researchers have recognised that the use of authentic materials for the acquisition of new vocabulary contributes to the development of reading comprehension skills in students of English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL). This study intends to analyse the theoretical conceptions about teaching vocabulary using online authentic materials and language corpus for language skills development, especially in a world context in which teaching using the benefits of ICT has become an important asset to schools because of the Covid-19 pandemic. The methodology and the main results of a study conducted at the University of Cienfuegos and the University of Oriente are described in the article, as well as the main findings arising from the research.


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Cómo citar

Yanes-Romero, E., Abreus-González, A., & Escalona-Falcón, C. A. (2021). Using online authentic materials and language corpus to foster vocabulary acquisition in English: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 18(3), 815–828. Recuperado a partir de




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