Interdisciplinary approach in investigative work training for the Physical Culture career


  • Damiana Osorio Enamorado Combinado Deportivo Contramaestre, Cuba
  • Jacinto Enrique Mendoza Díaz Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Reyna Subarnaba Fabá Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Tania Bell Camué Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


interdisciplinary exercises; common areas; investigative work training; pedagogical skills; content integration


Introduction: This research is based on the shortcomings that students in the third year of the Physical Education degree show in the process of integrating content into their teaching performance, which limits the formation of theoretical and practical skills in Investigative Labor Training. The objective is to apply interdisciplinary exercises to promote the integration of knowledge from the disciplines declared in this year of the degree. Materials and methods: Several research methods were used at the theoretical and empirical level, which allowed a methodological approach to the object of study. Results: The results of the research are specified in the application of interdisciplinary exercises and actions of the same nature of the Basketball subject, which is the subject of study in the Physical Education class in its pre-professional performance. Discussion: The contribution is made in the application of exercises with an interdisciplinary approach from the Investigative Labor Training of the third year of the degree. Conclusions: The exercises are considered necessary for the training of more competent and comprehensive future professionals in their pedagogical performance. Furthermore, they make it possible to give didactic and methodological treatment to interdisciplinarity in the horizontal and vertical direction of the career, which allows establishing simple, easy-to-understand and motivating integration for students and teachers, based on the formation of professional pedagogical skills in their performance and future working life.


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How to Cite

Osorio Enamorado, D., Mendoza Díaz, J. E., Subarnaba Fabá, R., & Bell Camué, T. (2025). Interdisciplinary approach in investigative work training for the Physical Culture career. Maestro Y Sociedad, 22(1), 104–114. Retrieved from




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