Speech therapist teacher development in the creation of audiovisual teaching resources for comprehensive speech therapy care


  • Bárbara de la Caridad Flores Aciego Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Rosalina Soler Rodríguez Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Martha Silvia Mancebo Calzado Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


audiovisual teaching aids; educational technology; speech therapist, development


Introduction: Cuba is recognized for its place in education to transform society, in terms of raising its quality as a guarantee of sustainable development. The improvement of education makes educational television and the computerization of society available to students to achieve equal opportunities, the objective of Cuban education. This represents a great challenge for teachers and speech therapists when facing comprehensive speech therapy for students. Therefore, speech therapists represent a necessary human resource as support for educational agents and agencies that intervene in different contexts or environments. Materials and methods: Analysis - synthesis: to interpret documentary information and determine regularities in the process under study, as well as in the elaboration of conclusions and recommendations. Induction-Deduction: to reach generalizations and arrive at conclusions on the subject being investigated that allow a clear vision of the theoretical and practical solution to the research problem. Historical-logical: to determine the historical background of the object and the field and to outline their relationships. Systemic structural functional: present throughout the process of argumentation and explanation of the research, the establishment of the structure of the proposed methodology, as well as the relationships between the structural and functional components that condition the application of the same with its corresponding results. Documentary analysis was also used: it focused on the review of the normative documents related to the professional development process of the speech therapist teachers being studied. In addition to the Observation of speech therapy classes and development activities, inferential Statistics (Delphi method) and Percentage Analysis: to tabulate the results of the instruments applied through the use of the percentage technique and the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results obtained. Results: This constant process that is directed to the renewal of knowledge, attitudes and skills previously acquired to solve the problems that are related to the process of comprehensive speech therapy care. All this with the purpose of supplying the lack of knowledge and thus facilitating the care of students with or without communication and language disorders. Discussion: New trends in professional development address educational problems from a more integrative perspective, however, they still do not satisfy the demands of speech therapists in the acquisition of updated knowledge, which allows them to adjust the educational response to the needs of students through the use of other didactic forms of learning. Conclusions: Audiovisual teaching aids, as well as other educational technologies, are designed to enhance the teaching-learning process. Although it is noted that they, by themselves, do not achieve the instructive and educational objectives, but rather require the pedagogical experience of the teacher to assume them as support for pedagogical work in contemporary times.


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How to Cite

Flores Aciego, B. de la C., Soler Rodríguez, R., & Mancebo Calzado, M. S. (2024). Speech therapist teacher development in the creation of audiovisual teaching resources for comprehensive speech therapy care. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(4), 2208–2218. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/6643


