Free market capitalism and the demolition of society
capitalism, market, demolition of societyAbstract
Introduction: This work introduces us to the interaction between the market and the demolition of society within the framework of capitalism, leading to a permanent crisis of existence. Objective: To describe what capitalism is and its consequences in today's society in order to propose conjectures about the market and crises today. Materials and Methods: The research is carried out with a qualitative methodology. Theoretical methods such as hermeneutics and qualitative document analysis are used. Results and Discussion: From critical social thought, the narrative that capitalism, as a "market economy", "free market", "free enterprise", makes of itself is destroyed and the true face that corresponds to "really existing capitalism" is shown. Really existing capitalism is shown by looking at the opinions of Marx and Wallerstein to highlight that historical capitalism is a blatantly absurd system. Capital is accumulated in order to accumulate more capital. Capitalists are like rats in a wheel, running faster and faster in order to run even faster. In the process, undoubtedly, some people live well, but others live in misery; and how well, and for how long, do those who live well live? (Wallerstein, 2014: 34). In short, after decades of neoliberal capitalism and market dominance, humanity has seen its suffering increase, thanks to subordination to the market. Conclusions: The conditions exist to solve all the problems that severely afflict humanity. Hunger, poverty, preventable diseases, destruction of nature, insecurity, can be overcome; but there is an obstacle: the market. Therefore, the change of course for the benefit of humanity will not occur in artificial paradises. In short, overcoming the problems will come from humanity's capacity and intelligence to organize itself collectively... but, if Manfred Max-Neef is right when he says that the exclusive characteristic, what distinguishes humans from other animals, is stupidity; then there is no hope. And, he is not wrong, until the arrival of capitalism no society had been so stupid as to put its life in the hands of the market.
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