Professional practice: experience towards the identity of the monitor teacher of children with special educational needs in regular schools


  • María Luisa Madueño Serrano Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora, México
  • Claudia Valeria Padilla Borboa Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora, México
  • Cristina Yamileth Martínez Reyes Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora, México


professional practice, teacher identity, monitor, inclusion


Introduction. This research is about the identity of monitor teachers, within teacher education students at a Mexican university, using international guidelines around an education for all with priority in children with special educational needs. Goals. To identify professional practice experiences of early childhood education students, which take on meaning in the formation of the identity of the monitor teacher in the context of educational inclusion in regular schools. Materials and method. The research is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. Two focus groups were formed with participation of 11 students selected by intentional sampling. Information processing was through content analysis and ethical care. Results. The first category refers to the meanings of being a monitor teacher through professional practice, and are related to being a support for children with special educational needs to enhance their learning and development; among the attributes of the monitor teacher, the attitudinal and the impact of the monitoring action stand out. The second category refers to identity formation experiences such as: developing activities and learning materials, doing curricular adjustments, and the need to prepare and learn from practice. Discussion. Professional practice and its reflection should be strategies for the formation of teacher identity (Pinto et al., 2021), because according to Bruner (1991), assuming an identity affects performance. The experience of students acting as monitors leaves a marks on their teaching identity. Conclusions. It is concluded that being a monitor teacher is different from the conception of a shadow teacher. Among the experiences that take on greater meaning in the process of assuming themselves as monitors, is the opportunity to provide support to children who have some special need or condition, and to be part of their achievements or progress.


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How to Cite

Madueño Serrano, M. L., Padilla Borboa, C. V., & Martínez Reyes, C. Y. (2024). Professional practice: experience towards the identity of the monitor teacher of children with special educational needs in regular schools. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(4), 1936–1946. Retrieved from


