Communicational strategies: a comprehensive approach for conservation and socioeconomic development
Sustainable tourism, Conservation, Communication, Socioeconomic developmentAbstract
Introduction: The growing concern about the environmental impact of tourism and the need to generate socioeconomic benefits for local communities drove this research. Objective: To design communication strategies that promote sustainable tourism at the Malecón beach in La Libertad. Through these strategies, the aim was not only to conserve natural and cultural resources but also to improve the socioeconomic well-being of the local community. Materials and Methods: The research used a comprehensive approach with a non-experimental design. Data were collected through surveys directed at local residents and merchants. This method provided a detailed insight into perceptions and attitudes towards sustainable tourism. Results: showed that there is a lack of effective communication to foster sustainable tourism practices. Both residents and merchants recognize the importance of environmental conservation but indicated that current initiatives are insufficient. Discussion: The findings emphasize the importance of strategic communication in promoting sustainable tourism. It is argued that greater collaboration between local authorities, the community, and the private sector is essential to improve conservation practices. The lack of cohesion among the actors involved has limited the scope of the initiatives, and it is crucial to develop a shared vision. Conclusions: The implementation of improved communication strategies could significantly contribute to sustainable development in La Libertad. These strategies will not only help protect natural and cultural resources but also drive economic growth and community well-being. The research provides a solid foundation for future actions that aim to balance tourism development with environmental conservation.
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