LLECIA Method of learning by partial tests with the help of artificial intelligence in basic education teacher training
artificial intelligence, basic education, teacher trainingAbstract
Introduction: This study is based on a classroom research project, and addresses the generation of the LLECIA method with the support of artificial intelligence techniques in teacher training for basic education. The research focused on identifying the effectiveness of this combined methodology in the development of pedagogical skills and the improvement in the academic performance of the competencies resulting from working on the content of the subject with pedagogical models. Materials and methods: The methodology that is created is based on the application of partial essays, where learners receive constant and adaptive feedback during the learning process. Artificial intelligence is incorporated to personalize and optimize this feedback, adapting it to the specific needs of each student. This approach aims to encourage active and meaningful learning, promoting reflection and continuous improvement of learning in situated contexts. Results: The results obtained show a positive impact on teacher training, evidenced by a significant increase in the acquisition of pedagogical skills and better performance in argumentative activities that were the subject of a socio-formative evaluation process. Discussion: An increase in student motivation and engagement, as well as higher satisfaction with the learning process, was observed, suggesting a greater effectiveness of the AI-supported LLECIA method compared to traditional approaches. Conclusions: This study contributes to the advancement of pedagogical research in the field of teacher training and the integration of emerging technologies in education. It provides empirical evidence on the effectiveness of the AI-supported LLECIA method as a promising tool to improve the quality of learning in basic education.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ermel Viacheslav Tapia Sosa , Hugo David Tapia Sosa, Lenin Wladimir Tapia Ortiz, Alicia Magdalena Suárez Jijón

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