PhET simulator and scientific-technical skills in high school students


  • Inés Alexandra Erazo López Unidad Educativa Liceo Policial, Ecuador
  • Glencora Teresa Coronel Acosta Unidad Educativa Nueve de Octubre, Ecuador
  • Wellington Isaac Maliza Cruz Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador
  • Félix Agustín Bravo Faytong Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador


PhET simulator, Scientific-technical skills, Physics, pedagogical strategies, teaching


Introduction: The present research focuses on how the PhET simulator improves scientific-technical skills in high school students. The difficulties in teaching Physics and the low results in national assessments, the use of PhET in the study of wave motion is proposed, being the objective to use the PhET simulator as a pedagogical tool for the analysis of wave motion, in order to enhance the scientific-technical skills of students in the third year of unified general high school of the Liceo Policial Educational Unit. Materials and methods: A mixed research approach was used, with a descriptive and at the same time applicative scope, to examine how PhET influences the scientific skills of students. Also, the research is quasi-experimental, with two groups, one experimental and one control, collecting data through tests (Pre-Test and Post-Test) to 70 students and interviews with two teachers. Results: The study revealed significant improvements in students' scientific-technical skills after using the PhET simulator, especially in Data Interpretation and Use of Research Tools and technological instruments. Interviews with teachers confirmed that laboratory practices and technological tools, such as PhET, favor science learning. Discussion: The research reveals that PhET simulators improve the scientific-technical skills of Physics students. The results of the Pre-Test and Post-Test indicate improvements in the understanding and application of knowledge. Interviews with teachers support the integration of these technological tools in teaching, highlighting their positive impact on learning. Conclusions: Scientific-technical skills are strengthened in the study of Physics through the use of the PhET simulator, notably supporting the development of science in third-year high school students.


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How to Cite

Erazo López, I. A., Coronel Acosta, G. T., Maliza Cruz, W. I., & Bravo Faytong, F. A. (2024). PhET simulator and scientific-technical skills in high school students. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(3), 1340–1350. Retrieved from




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