Educational shops of family orientation to educate the responsibility in students of 7mo degree


  • Nancy Marina Flores González Unidad Educativa Virgilio Abarca Montesinos, Ecuador
  • Eufracia de los Ángeles Ochoa Maldonado Unidad Educativa Virgilio Abarca Montesinos, Ecuador
  • Ana Felicia Celeiro Carbonell Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • Raúl Alejandro Montes de Oca Celeiro Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador


education in values, education of responsibility, school-family link, family orientation


Introduction: The family plays a fundamental role in the education of values in children, adolescents and young people: family education has a decisive impact on their social behavior. Currently, due to factors that negatively affect the family, limitations are evident in the fulfillment of its educational function, hence the need to guide it towards education in values and specifically the education of responsibility, from school. Materials and methods: This topic is addressed in the research developed with seventh grade students of the Virgilio Abarca Montesinos Educational Unit, which proposed to design a system of family orientation workshops to educate responsibility using theoretical methods such as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, empirical methods such as observation, interviews and surveys, and mathematical methods such as percentage analysis, whose feasibility was corroborated through a socialization workshop and action research. Results: The socialization workshop carried out with 15 parents, as well as the partial implementation through action research to this group of parents of seventh grade students from the Virgilio Abarca Montesinos Educational Unit in Ecuador allowed us to verify its feasibility and relevance, completing the educational work system of the school, strengthening school-family ties in order to achieve a more responsible attitude of the students. Discussion: The role of the family in education in the education of responsibility from the orientation to the families contributes to the adequate behavior of the students in the school and other contexts, which demands attention to improve learning. Conclusions: As a result of the application of the orientation workshop system, it was possible to mobilize parents and teachers towards the improvement of values, and specifically the education of responsibility from the school.


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How to Cite

Flores González, N. M., Ochoa Maldonado, E. de los Ángeles, Celeiro Carbonell, A. F., & Montes de Oca Celeiro, R. A. (2024). Educational shops of family orientation to educate the responsibility in students of 7mo degree. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(3), 1330–1339. Retrieved from




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