Gamification as a teaching strategy for empowerment learning in the ninth grade of the “Educational Unit 26 de Febrero”


  • José Bolívar Caguana León Unidad Educativa “26 de febrero” Paute-Azuay, Ecuador
  • Walter Vicente Ordóñez Ordóñez Unidad Educativa “26 de febrero” Paute-Azuay, Ecuador
  • Katia Lisset Fernández Rodríguez Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • Wilber Ortiz Aguilar Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador


intrinsic motivation, teaching strategy, gamification teaching strategy, gamification, empowerment


Introduction: The research is posed as a scientific problem how to improve the resolution of exercises of empowerment in the 9th of the "Educational Unit 26 de Febrero"? Hence, its object of study constitutes the process of teaching - learning of Mathematics in ninth grade, so the field of action is limited to the resolution of exercises of empowerment through gamification. In correspondence with this, the objective is to analyze the impact of a didactic strategy of gamification oriented to the resolution of exercises of empowerment by ninth grade students of the "Educational Unit 26 de Febrero". Materials and methods: The research is developed from a mixed approach with a descriptive scope, in addition to being supported by the use, mainly, of techniques such as survey, observation and documentary review, in addition to theoretical methods. In order to evaluate the students' perceptions about the gamification teaching strategy "Battle of Powers", a questionnaire structured in three dimensions was designed: motivation, learning and evaluation, which was subjected to a Cronbach's Alpha and resulted in excellent internal consistency. Results: The results obtained indicate a great acceptance by the students of the gamification teaching strategy, identifying the activity as a motivating and attractive resource that contributes significantly to the learning of empowerment. The teaching strategy is highly valued by specialists who, from their expertise, gave it their support. Discussion: Gamification as a teaching strategy in the teaching of Mathematics contributes to the strengthening of mathematical competences in students, to the acquisition of knowledge and skills in a significant way and to the development of positive attitudes, especially collaborative behaviors among students. Conclusions: The gamification teaching strategy has been shown to have a positive impact on the learning of ninth grade students at the “Unidad Educativa 26 de Febrero” and is considered viable and integrable into the school curriculum, which means an important contribution to the field of educational research in general and to mathematics education in particular.


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How to Cite

Caguana León, J. B., Ordóñez Ordóñez, W. V., Fernández Rodríguez, K. L., & Ortiz Aguilar, W. (2024). Gamification as a teaching strategy for empowerment learning in the ninth grade of the “Educational Unit 26 de Febrero” . Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(3), 1198–1210. Retrieved from




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