The gender approach in the teaching of Law: guidelines for teachers of the Faculty of Law of the Universidad de Oriente


  • Darina Ortega León Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Lisbet Pargas Rojas Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Caridad García Rondón Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


gender approach, role of the teacher, professional training, Law career


Introduction: This article aims to address the need to prepare law professors at the Universidad de Oriente de Cuba from a gender perspective, which will allow them to assume the task assigned to the Ministries of Higher Education and Justice in the National Program for the Advancement of Women, in force since February 2021. The need to provide Cuban society not only with jurists skilled in their profession, but also with values of justice, defense of identity, equity and equality, forces us to resize our teaching practices with a gender approach. Its objective is to propose a set of guidelines in accordance with the National Program for the Advancement of Women to promote the inclusion of a gender perspective in teaching practices in the Law Degree. Materials and methods: Different qualitative methods were used in the work, such as analysis-synthesis, document review, interview and observation, which helped to establish from the interconnection of the assumed referents to the assessment of the results obtained. Results: The current limitations in the training of law students based on the guidelines established by the gender approach do not only come from the curriculum, with the incorporation of subjects directly related to the subject or the incorporation of content with a gender approach in existing ones; the correct use of language and the projection towards students have not yet been mastered; as well as the lack of use of tools that allow identifying situations of gender violence, harassment and/or discrimination. Discussion: These experiences can significantly contribute to the learning of Law and transcend professional life. This is the way to contribute to their training and to the construction of a society that respects equality. Conclusions: The University must contribute to the strengthening of society and especially the Law career must strengthen the values of justice and respect for human rights, starting with the principle of equality and non-discrimination.


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How to Cite

Ortega León, D., Pargas Rojas, L., & García Rondón, C. (2024). The gender approach in the teaching of Law: guidelines for teachers of the Faculty of Law of the Universidad de Oriente. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(3), 1152–1162. Retrieved from


