Educational Guidance Strategies to Increase Interest in Learning among High School Students


  • Kenia Rosselin Carmigniani Molina Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador
  • Regina Venet Muñoz Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador


Educational guidance strategies, student motivation, learning, teacher training


Introduction: When students are motivated, they participate more actively, show greater persistence in the face of challenges and develop deeper and more lasting learning. Studying students' lack of interest in learning is essential to improve their academic performance and personal development. Materials and methods: This article is a study of educational guidance strategies in motivation and interest through a mixed and non-experimental methodological design in high school students of the "San José" Private Mixed Educational Unit, in the Quevedo canton. . Information was collected through surveys (quantitative) with students and interviews (qualitative) with teachers of the institution. Results: The results show the importance of carrying out an initial diagnosis of needs, involving all actors, establishing evaluation and constant feedback mechanisms, using attractive teaching resources and having trained counselors. Student surveys show a positive attitude toward learning, motivation for tasks, and enthusiasm for the topics covered in class. Discussion: The findings suggest that educational guidance strategies can have a significant impact on increasing high school students' interest and motivation towards learning. Several teachers agree on the importance of having highly trained counselors or facilitators with adequate skills to implement these strategies effectively. Conclusions: Students perceive support from classmates and teachers, as well as effective teaching methods. However, some students do not find usefulness in the feedback received, as challenges were also found, such as adapting to the individual needs of students and managing limited resources, highlighting the need for a continuous approach in the training of teaching staff. and collaboration between all educational actors.


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How to Cite

Carmigniani Molina, K. R., & Venet Muñoz, R. (2024). Educational Guidance Strategies to Increase Interest in Learning among High School Students. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(3), 1021–1031. Retrieved from


