Granulometric and morphological analysis of sawdust from five forest species from Pucallpa and its densification to obtain briquettes


  • Manuel Iván Salvador Cárdenas Universidad Nacional de Ucayali, Perú
  • Herbert Oldemar Valerio Requiz Universidad Nacional de Ucayali, Perú
  • Lenin Vladimir Vargas Villa Universidad Nacional de Ucayali, Perú
  • Isaías Alberto Salinas Andrade Universidad Nacional de Ucayali, Perú
  • Edwin Tayson Fernández Ruiz Universidad Nacional de Ucayali, Perú


Sawdust, granulometry, morphology, basic density, moisture content, perpendicular compression and higher caloric value


Introduction: The general objective was to characterize granulometrically and morphologically the sawdust of five forest species from Pucallpa and see its possibilities of use in the manufacture of briquettes. The specific objectives were to determine the granulometric and morphological composition of sawdust from five forest species; manufacture briquettes based on the granulometric and morphological characteristics of the sawdust and determine the physical and mechanical properties of each type of briquettes. Materials and methods: The research was carried out in the Wood Technology Laboratory of the National University of Ucayali (UNU), in the district of Callería, province of Coronel Portillo, region of Ucayali. The sawdust briquettes of the Lupuna blanca and Cumala species were the lightest with 0.538 - 0.572 g/cm³ respectively, those of Copaiba blanca, Capirona and Shihuahuaco with 0.644, 0.667 - 0.708 g/cm³. Results: In the moisture content (MC), the white Lupuna sawdust briquettes presented 20.48%, the Cumala one presented 16.01%, the white Copaiba presented 13.12%, the Capirona presented 11.73% and the Shihuahuaco presented 9.65%. . Discussion: The sawdust briquettes of the white Lupuna and Capirona species had a low MOR value in compression parallel to the longitudinal axis, the Shihuahuaco one had a medium value, unlike the Cumala and white Copaba species had a high MOR value. Conclusions: Significant differences were also found between the caloric value of sawdust briquettes of five species.


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How to Cite

Salvador Cárdenas, M. I., Valerio Requiz, H. O., Vargas Villa, L. V., Salinas Andrade, I. A., & Fernández Ruiz, E. T. (2024). Granulometric and morphological analysis of sawdust from five forest species from Pucallpa and its densification to obtain briquettes. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(2), 910–920. Retrieved from




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