Digital teaching resources based on gamification for solving mathematical problems in seventh year EGB students


  • Nube Lucia Asitimbay Bermeo Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador
  • Elizabeth Cumandá León Moscoso Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador
  • Gregory Edison Naranjo Vaca Universidad Bolivariana del Ecuador, Ecuador


gamification, mathematics education, problem solving, digital resources, student motivation


In an educational context where motivation and academic performance are crucial areas, this study focused on investigating the impact of gamification on improving mathematical problem solving in seventh grade students. The main objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of a partial gamified intervention, applied through digital teaching resources, in comparison with a control group. The sample comprised 42 students, equally divided between the experimental and control groups. Initial and subsequent surveys, specific problem-solving tests, interviews with teachers and validation by experts in pedagogy and gamification were implemented. The results revealed a significant increase in students' intrinsic motivation, as well as notable improvements in academic performance of the experimental group compared to the control group. Gamification, supported by expert validation, proved to be an effective pedagogical strategy to stimulate interest and improve mathematical skills. These findings highlight the importance of integrating innovative approaches in mathematics teaching, especially through digital tools and gamified strategies, to foster more participatory and effective learning.


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How to Cite

Asitimbay Bermeo, N. L., León Moscoso, E. C., & Naranjo Vaca, G. E. (2024). Digital teaching resources based on gamification for solving mathematical problems in seventh year EGB students. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(1), 217–231. Retrieved from




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