Using podcast to develop English listening skills in high school students


  • Nelly Zambrano Pincay Universidad Laica “Eloy Alfaro” de Manabí Extensión Chone, Ecuador
  • Celia Lorena Saltos Dueñas Universidad Laica “Eloy Alfaro” de Manabí Extensión Chone, Ecuador
  • Claudia Katiuska Loor Caicedo Universidad Laica “Eloy Alfaro” de Manabí Extensión Chone, Ecuador
  • Rider Mendoza Saltos Universidad Laica “Eloy Alfaro” de Manabí Extensión Chone, Ecuador
  • Javier Zambrano Mero Universidad Laica “Eloy Alfaro” de Manabí Extensión Chone, Ecuador


Podcast, recurso educativo, habilidades auditivas


The present study is based on the analysis of the use of podcasts to develop listening skills in English of high school students, with the purpose of identifying innovative resources useful in the teaching-learning process, which help capture their attention and strengthen the learning process. assimilation of knowledge. Materials and methods: A quantitative approach methodology was used, in two phases, the first with the application of the podcast inside and outside of classes to evaluate the impact of the resource and the second phase with an interview applied to the students to measure the degree of satisfaction and motivation generated. Results: Among the results obtained, it stands out that the podcast is a tool that significantly helps develop and
improve listening skills in students, in addition to innovating educational processes. Discussion: The use of technological resources in education has gained great importance for the transformation of teaching processes in classrooms and the methodologies that are applied, leaving aside traditional methods, to move to innovative practices focused on globalization. and the promising future that technology brings to the educational system. Conclusions: Through this teaching strategy it was possible to evaluate the use of ICT and the importance of podcasting in teaching English as a foreign language.


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How to Cite

Zambrano Pincay, N., Saltos Dueñas, C. L., Loor Caicedo, C. K., Mendoza Saltos, R., & Zambrano Mero, J. (2024). Using podcast to develop English listening skills in high school students. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(1), 194–198. Retrieved from




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