Improvement strategy for recently graduated doctors on cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Continuous formation, strategy of overcoming, revivers cardiopulmonares, sudden death, stop cardiorespiratoria, cardiac stop, respiratory stopAbstract
Introduction: Sudden death can be caused by a stop cardiorespiratoria so that revival is supposed to be applicable immediately cardiopulmonar. The statistics stir up than a great many people that cardiorespiratoria suffers stop you perish before getting to a health care facility not to apply the technique of revival cardiopulmonar. The general objective of our investigation is to implement a strategy on revival cardiopulmonar basic in doctors of recent graduation. Method: They used methods of the theoretic level, empiricist and statistician – techniques and instruments like the opinion poll, the interview and the observation used mathematical Every which the one that enabled an analysis of the information with a mixed focus for the obtaining of the primary piece of information themselves,, the population of study got conformed by 19 people of which 13 doctors of recent graduation, 2 white-collar workers and 4 teachers. Results: Exists a support and motivation for part of the white-collar workers, teachers and doctors of recent graduation to the implementation of the strategy of overcoming and the majority of the polled showed insufficiencies in the command of revival cardiopulmonar before applying the educational intervention, what the program of the overcoming modified itself once applied. Discussion: Our study agreed with another authors as to the discussed aspects. Conclusion: A strategy implemented feasible overcoming itself and pertinent envelope revival cardiovascular in doctors of recent graduation.
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