Wastewater Discharge Problems in Katemo-Kuito/Bié District in Angola


  • Alceu Filipe Savilolo Josias Instituto Superior Politécnico do Bié, Ángola
  • Anselmo Macário Canganjo Lunguana Instituto Superior Politécnico do Bié, Ángola
  • Dinis Gilreme Jackson Instituto Superior Politécnico do Bié, Ángola
  • Neves Coquilo António Instituto Superior Politécnico do Bié, Ángola


Katemo-Kuito, pollution and degradation, sanitation services, wastewater, disease and death


Introduction: This research analyzes the strategies adopted for the disposal of wastewater in Katemo-Kuito neighborhood, in the province of Bié. As well as some characteristics related to the destiny of the wastewaters. Materials and methods: In this scientific article, methods such as: observation in the visual identification of the facts under analysis were used. Results: Angola is a country that has an exceptional water potential, but this natural resource is unequally distributed, due to the excessive population growth and the poor treatment of the wastewaters, but this resource has suffered a lot of pollution and degradation that increasingly compromises its availability for all Angolans. The problems of the water supply and sanitation sectors in the Municipality of Kuito are not far removed from the general context of the vast majority of cities in Angola. Water supply and sanitation infrastructures have not kept pace with population and city growth. Discussion: Irregularities in the water supply and lack of access to the public network led the population to look for some alternative sources. Wastewater sanitation services favor the urbanized areas of the city center, to the detriment of the peri urban areas where most of the population live. Conclusions: The wastewater sanitation system is based on the discharge of effluents into the rainwater drainage network without any prior treatment or in septic tanks, and as alternatives; streets and water courses are used. This situation favors the pollution of water resources and the environment in general, that is to say that with the destruction of riverside ecosystems and the high rates of diseases and deaths related to the consumption of contaminated water and the lack of the basic sanitation.


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How to Cite

Savilolo Josias, A. F., Canganjo Lunguana, A. M., Gilreme Jackson, D., & Coquilo António, N. (2024). Wastewater Discharge Problems in Katemo-Kuito/Bié District in Angola. Maestro Y Sociedad, 21(1), 78–91. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/6345


