Material Design Incorporating Reflective and Flexible-Communicative Teaching in a group of EFL 1st year nursing course at the Polytechnic Superior Institute of Bié
Palabras clave:
EFL material design, Teaching, communicative competence, Nursing course, Academic illustrated bookResumen
Introduction: This article sets out to develop an EFL Material Design Incorporating Reflective and Flexible Communicative Teaching in a group of EFL 1st year nursing course at the Polytechnic Superior Institute of Bié Province (Angola). “According to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)” (Council of Europe, 2001), in order to promote real language practice, to collect data, instruments such as: questionnaires, interview and class observation were used. Material and methods: The sample of the study consists of twenty-five purposively chosen university EFL teachers (ten of them teach traditional grammar and fifteen communicative grammars) and five hundred students ranging from beginners to advanced level. The data were analyzed using the SPSS tools, the goal of which is to verify the effectiveness of this approach over the traditional one. Results and Discussions: The findings of the investigation have revealed the following: (i) not many teachers teach communicative grammar in Angola and those who claim they teach it, they still have a hazy idea of what it is supposed to be; (ii) communicative grammar teaching is what is needed to make EFL learning a rewarding experience for students’ effective use of the language; (iii) both approaches are not mutually exclusive for they can become perfect complements; (iv) teachers and students need a textbook as an aid for English classes. Conclusions: The study concluded with the implementation of an academic illustrated book, elaborated by the authores of this article, which is composed by some lessons, activities, games, texts and so on. With the specific purpose of developing the students’ communicative competence, interactional skills, communicative grammar, self-evaluation strategies and language practice.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Neves Coquilo António, Ana Angelina Cangombe, Mario Carlos Fátima

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