Creativity in children 5 years old: Look in Educational Centers of the Mothers Oblatas, Ecuador
creativity, behavior Lúdico, self-esteem, affectivityAbstract
The creative process begins from the characteristics that the creative person possesses, in her capacity to produce novel ideas and innovators. From early ages, and, through the game, they can show the stages of the creative activity, in them the first ideas are forged and they leave gestating through the life. In the case of the children and girls in school age, he/she comes given by all the influential experiences in their life. The authors meditate around the peculiarities of the creativity in 5 year-old children from the mothers' oblatas educational centers. It is a study diagnosis starting from the application of a
survey directed to these educating of the city of I Remove, Ecuador. The results show that the educating ones agree so that the activities starting from a methodological guide, be taken to the practice in an entire and efficient way.
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