English level A1 phrases for teaching Medicine students


  • Gisellys Victorero Mejías Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Gretel Rodríguez Victorero Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Diamela Estrada Ramos Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Deisy Marañón Díaz Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba


Teaching material, equivalent terms, and communicative functions


Introduction: For health professionals, learning English is necessary, since much of the updated scientific-technical
information and the rapid advances that are taking place in their area of knowledge are offered in that language.
However, although work is being done to improve the process, insufficiencies still prevail, such as the limited availability
of support materials for teaching. Objective: Elaboration of a didactic material on phrases and terms equivalent to
level A1 for the teaching of Medical Sciences students. Materials and Methods: Documentary analysis was used as a
research method, where a study of normative documents, basic literature, dictionaries and scientific articles was carried
out. Results: The proposal consists of expressions equivalent to level A1, which were selected taking into account the
contents of the units, as well as the communicative functions that students must achieve at the end of the stage. The designed material is a more accessible tool for the teacher since it will encourage the student to enrich the development
of communicative functions during the training process. Discussion: In any teaching process, in general, and in Higher
Education in particular, it is not enough to design training programs, but it is necessary to guarantee support materials.
According to García Cormenzana (2016), teaching support materials are characterized in a general sense by being able to
provide, adapt, improve and in some way organize the teaching process. In addition, due to its theoretical, investigative,
specialized and practical utility, it allows the continuous improvement of teaching. Conclusions: The material provided
contains phrases and equivalent terms of the A1 level aimed at first-year students of Medical Sciences, therefore, it
constitutes an accessible tool for the teacher since it will encourage the student to enrich the development of the
communicative functions necessary for the work professional and scientific development of future health professionals.


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How to Cite

Victorero Mejías, G., Rodríguez Victorero, G., Estrada Ramos, D., & Marañón Díaz, D. (2023). English level A1 phrases for teaching Medicine students. Maestro Y Sociedad, 412–418. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/6293



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