System of exercises for the treatment of algebraic errors


  • Jorge Luis Montero Bizet Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Yasmin Zaldivar Montes de Oca Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


learning process, algebra, pedagogical method, algebraic errors, system of exercises


Introduction: When evaluating the different thematic units that students face in Mathematics programs, mainly in the
first years of Pre-University Education in Cuba, the most frequent errors that are made are those related to algebraic and
calculus. The present work proposes a methodological treatment based on a system of exercises that allows to eradicate
the most frequent algebraic errors that the students of this teaching make. Materials and methods: For this, research
methods and techniques are used such as analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, bibliographic review, observation,
pedagogical test, interview and percentage calculation that allowed to know the current situation of the same and
provided turn an objective approach to proceed in the preparation of the proposal. Results: It reflects that the proposal
of the exercise system presented is feasible where it was verified that the students are capable of correctly performing
operations with polynomials and with sets, working with algebraic fractions and translating from common to algebraic
language. It also showed that the application and improvement of a methodological treatment based on an exercise
system as a tool of the same allows this work to have a transdisciplinary character and the sample can be expanded to
generalize it in the future. Discussion: The studies referring to the theory referring to the treatment of algebraic errors
are a suggestive topic to demonstrate the contributions that must be taken up to reduce these in different educations.
Conclusions: The study highlights the validity of the exercise systems as a resource for the treatment of the most frequent algebraic errors made by students, which accounts for the possibility that the teacher has to take advantage of their
richness, for the sake of achieve comprehensive learning and efficient communication development in schoolchildren.


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How to Cite

Montero Bizet, J. L., & Zaldivar Montes de Oca, Y. (2023). System of exercises for the treatment of algebraic errors. Maestro Y Sociedad, 13–22. Retrieved from



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