Socio-educational cartography in university residents: preliminary treatment for university social integration

Socio-educational cartography in university residents: preliminary treatment for university social integration


  • Fabio Enrique Carreras Bonne Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • María Nitza Bonne Gali Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Margarita Santiesteban Labañino Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Damaris Soto Reyes Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


Social cartography, university residents, cohabitation, strategy socioeducativa, behaviors


Introduction: The work is oriented to the search for educational innovations for a healthy coexistence in the context
of university residential coexistence. Its objective is to use social cartography as a method that promotes the study of
student behavior in the university student residence. Materials and methods: To achieve this purpose, different methods
and techniques were used, both at the theoretical and empirical level, which allowed reaching preliminary results related
to the collective construction of their cultural realities and the enrichment of their knowledge for the construction of
inclusive spaces. Results: Quality of life in old age has a multidimensional approach, which emphasizes not only physical
functioning, energy, and personal vitality, but also psychological, spiritual, and emotional well-being, social and sexual
functioning, received and perceived support, and life satisfaction. Discussion: Aging is not a disease, but an inseparable
change in life. In general, it is considered that it begins at the end of the growth and maturity phase of the individuals;
at first the effects are imperceptible and become more visible over time. Conclusions: The validity of social cartography
is verified as a way to redesign socio-educational strategies to influence the appropriate behaviors of university students
in the construction of a positive coexistence in student residences.


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How to Cite

Carreras Bonne, F. E., Bonne Gali, M. N., Santiesteban Labañino, M., & Soto Reyes, D. (2023). Socio-educational cartography in university residents: preliminary treatment for university social integration: Socio-educational cartography in university residents: preliminary treatment for university social integration. Maestro Y Sociedad, 375–385. Retrieved from



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