Conception for the didactic strategy of the teaching-learning process of Physics

Conception for the didactic strategy of the teaching-learning process of Physics


  • Juana María Despaigne Bombus Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Alina María Cuadréns Villalón Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Lizette de la Concepción Pérez Martínez Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


Teaching-learning process, heuristic, hermeneutical, transference, link with life


Introduction: Scientific work has revolutionized the teaching-learning process of Physics, radically changing the way of teaching in Pre-University Education to face not only the transformations in the programs and study plans currently proposed, but also in the didactics of the Physics discipline and its relationship with daily life, in which the authors show in their research that there are still insufficiencies. The elaboration of a didactic strategy of the teaching-learning process of Physics and its link with life in Pre-University Education, in the Santiago de Cuba province, in close relationship with current development trends, is proposed. Materials and methods: The above requires the use of heuristic, hermeneutic and transference methods that promote an inclusive, developer and contextualized teaching-learning process. Results: The application of the strategy allowed to favor the improvement of the teaching-learning process of Physics and its link with life, demonstrating the qualitative and progressive transformation in the performance of students and teachers through the system of applied actions. Discussion: The didactic strategy has a structure, part of a diagnosis, it has premises and requirements, and didactic-methodological guidelines are established for its implementation. They also have two stages that correspond to the dimensions of the model, each of the stages have objectives and actions and the third stage is control and evaluation of the results. Conclusions: It allowed to operate significant changes in the teaching-learning process of Physics and its link with life, giving it a scientific and integrating, heuristic-hermeneutic-transferential character.


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How to Cite

Despaigne Bombus, J. M., Cuadréns Villalón, A. M., & Pérez Martínez, L. de la C. (2023). Conception for the didactic strategy of the teaching-learning process of Physics: Conception for the didactic strategy of the teaching-learning process of Physics. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(3), 820–827. Retrieved from




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