Problem based learning to improve the teaching-learning process of Accounting in high school in Ecuador

Problem based learning to improve the teaching-learning process of Accounting in high school in Ecuador


  • María Isabel Zedeño Chalares Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador
  • Glenda María Gaibor Indio Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador
  • María Belén Nieves Cobeña Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador
  • Olga Nohemí Martínez Cobeña Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador


Classroom, teacher, student, educational process


Introduction: The present investigative work arises from the difficulty that students present in terms of learning the Accounting subject. With the application of applied methods, what is sought is to analyze the didactic strategy of Problem-Based Learning for the improvement of the teaching-learning process in high school students of educational units in Ecuador. Materials and methods: The methodology applied within the present investigation maintains a mixed approach, that is, a qualitative and quantitative research approach was used, since through its use, the problem could be analyzed from its origin, analyzing its intrinsic characteristics, as well as interpreting the results obtained from the collection of information that will serve for the application of an innovative teaching-learning proposal for the benefit of the students, the research is documentary, bibliographical with a field investigation, through direct observation and survey application. Results: From the results obtained, it was evidenced that the application of Problem-Based Learning in the Accounting subject will favor the process of acquiring new knowledge, innovating and managing to arouse interest in learning and thus avoid repeating or dropping out of school. , which is why a teacher training plan on the application of Problem-Based Learning is proposed as an innovative tool in the teaching of Accounting, whose direct beneficiaries are the students. Discussion: The theoretical foundation of Problem-Based Learning was compiled through the extraction of bibliographic information, data classification, prioritization and validation of topics, research papers on this methodology and bibliographic experiences on suggested models applied in the teaching process. learning the subject of Accounting and other disciplines. Conclusions: The evaluation of the training plan allowed to determine its applicability, functionality and allowed to know the level of impact and the pleasure with which the proposal was received by the teachers of the Educational Units.


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How to Cite

Zedeño Chalares, M. I., Gaibor Indio, G. M., Nieves Cobeña, M. B., & Martínez Cobeña, O. N. (2023). Problem based learning to improve the teaching-learning process of Accounting in high school in Ecuador: Problem based learning to improve the teaching-learning process of Accounting in high school in Ecuador. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(3), 810–819. Retrieved from


