Metaverse: digital parallel world in early childhood

Metaverse: digital parallel world in early childhood


  • Geraldyne Dayana Chavarría Castillo Instituto Superior Pedagógico “Paulo Freire”, Perú
  • Carlos A. Atúncar Prieto Instituto Superior Pedagógico “Paulo Freire”, Perú


metaverse, digital competence, early childhood, technology


Introduction: This study is situated in a context of technological development through the creation of digital interaction networks in a parallel world such as the metaverse; having as objective to analyze the formative process that affects the digital competences, related to the metaverse in a scenario of a digital culture in early childhood. Materials and methods: Similarly, it was based on documentary analysis, developing qualitative techniques for inquiry, selection, and analysis of specialized literature on the metaverse in order to contribute to the understanding of the use of digital resources in learning processes. Results: It is necessary to manage the immersion of the metaverse in early childhood; in interaction with digital skills to transcend socialization capabilities that develop cognitive skills, in the digital immersive experience to enhance teaching-learning, and in the active navigation of learning immersed in technology. Conclusions: The metaverse is a digital parallel world that is immersed in the context of early childhood and is in constant adaptive construction to respond to advances in technology, thus becoming a fundamental tool for pedagogical interventions in schools, is one of the current signs of digital transformation in the educational world, which requires teachers and students to be increasingly prepared with digital skills as a basis for boosting technological innovation in this context.


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How to Cite

Chavarría Castillo, G. D., & Atúncar Prieto, C. A. (2023). Metaverse: digital parallel world in early childhood: Metaverse: digital parallel world in early childhood. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(3), 784–790. Retrieved from




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