Organic school gardens as teaching resources for students at the "General Quisquís" Basic Education School

Organic school gardens as teaching resources for students at the "General Quisquís" Basic Education School


  • Wesley Kazajia Maruri Pacheco Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador
  • Mildred Wendy Maruri Pacheco Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador
  • Iralda Ernestina Gallo Ponguillo
  • Leonel Jefferson Patiño Robinson Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, Ecuador


school garden, didactic resources, food education, I learn-by-doing


Introduction: The teacher guide, facilitator of natural learning, must promote environmental education based on experiences. The present research work framed in the constructivist model I propose as objective: Teacher training plan: Organic school gardens as teaching resources in the students of the General Quisquís Basic Education school, Quevedo canton in Ecuador, period 2021-2022. Materials and methods: The research system used is of a qualitative approach framed in a descriptive investigation, applying observation and survey techniques. Results: The results when executing the training plan will allow the student to strengthen concepts, values, participation, raise awareness about the importance of improving food education using methodologies: how I learn by doing while keeping a commitment to the environment. Discussion: Organic school gardens as teaching resources have many different uses and have been viewed from many different perspectives, some practical and some educational. Conclusions: When carrying out the diagnosis of the current situation of organic school gardens, it was evidenced that with the socialization of the Teacher Training Plan, food education will be improved and it will be possible to reach a quarter of the population by promoting spaces for participation.


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How to Cite

Maruri Pacheco, W. K., Maruri Pacheco, M. W., Gallo Ponguillo, I. E., & Patiño Robinson, L. J. (2023). Organic school gardens as teaching resources for students at the "General Quisquís" Basic Education School: Organic school gardens as teaching resources for students at the "General Quisquís" Basic Education School. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(3), 753–761. Retrieved from




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