School dropout and youth unemployment in the Entre Ríos neighborhood of the Santa Elena canton

School dropout and youth unemployment in the Entre Ríos neighborhood of the Santa Elena canton


  • Jorge Oswaldo Tomalá Ceverino Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador
  • Edgar Fabian Cobos Alvarado Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena, Ecuador


school dropout, youth unemployment, program, entrepreneurship, socioeconomic


Introduction: Youth in society deserve employment opportunities in different spheres of life, contributing with their human talent, potential, abilities and skills in the workplace, satisfying their needs in the family, social, economic, cultural and political nucleus, The objective of the article is to explain the relationship between school dropout and youth unemployment in the Entre Ríos neighborhood of the Santa Elena canton, through a correlational analysis, for the design of a social entrepreneurship program for young people in the neighborhood. Materials and methods: A mixed approach was used, conducting surveys of young people, interviewing the neighborhood director, in order to assess the current situation and obtain relevant information, low level of schooling and unemployment, in a more truthful and scientific study of the construct. Of the investigation. Results: There is evidence of scarcity of formal and informal employment for young professionals in work performance, the lack of experience means that they cannot obtain a decent job to keep their basic needs satisfied, leading to precariousness of poverty in society, this is how companies exist public and private that through pre-professional practices help young people to develop their knowledge acquired in the social field, playing an important role for society. Discussion: Unemployment harms the family, in the social, economic, cultural and political environment, according to the results obtained, which makes it impossible for young people to find a job for not having completed their studies, or also for lack of economic income, this makes for the young person to look for work with low wages, discrimination, job exclusion and poverty. Conclusions: In relation to the relationship between school dropout and youth unemployment through a correlational analysis, it can be seen that the more dropouts there are, the greater the probability of unemployment in society, causing job insecurity and the generation of poverty.


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How to Cite

Tomalá Ceverino, J. O., & Cobos Alvarado, E. F. (2023). School dropout and youth unemployment in the Entre Ríos neighborhood of the Santa Elena canton: School dropout and youth unemployment in the Entre Ríos neighborhood of the Santa Elena canton. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(3), 670–678. Retrieved from




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