Attitudes towards statistics in students of the Escuela Superior Naval Cmdt. Rafael Moran Valverde

Attitudes towards statistics in students of the Escuela Superior Naval Cmdt. Rafael Moran Valverde


  • Margarita Palma Samaniego Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Ecuador
  • Sonia María Barragán Lucas Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Ecuador
  • Iván Ignacio Bastidas Lara Armada del Ecuador, Ecuador
  • Nelly Panchi Castro Armada del Ecuador, Ecuador


Attitude towards Statistics, Labor Camp, Military Regime, Training


Introduction: The present work shows a descriptive investigation, whose objective is to measure the attitude towards Statistics within the academic and military training, in this way identify how the knowledge of the students in the Naval Superior School affects the professional field. cmdt. Rafael Moran Valverde - ESSUNA of the University of the Armed Forces ESPE, for which the scale of attitudes towards statistics, designed and validated by Auzmendi (1992), starts from the answers obtained for the items by a sample of 54 students from the ESSUNA. Materials and methods: The statistical technique that was applied to determine the factors was exploratory factor analysis using the Jamovi statistical software, where the values of the Barlett sphericity test and the Kayser Meyer Olkin index known as KMO were determined. Results: The results were 0.000 and 0.696 respectively, by eliminating the variable that obtained the lowest score, 0.578, in the Anti-image Correlation Matrix, “24. If I had the opportunity, I would enroll in more statistics courses than are necessary”, indicates that it is good to carry out exploratory factor analysis, where the factors importance, anxiety, desire to know, usefulness, fun and preparation are obtained. The main results in the descriptive analysis indicate that the average age of the interviewees is 21.7 years, 87% are men and 13% are women. Discussion: The highest reliability in the factors occurs in the Importance (0.895) and the lowest in the Preparation (0.561); the factorial analysis extracts six dimensional factors explaining 73.6% of the total variance of the data considering its acceptance. Conclusions: It is concluded that the appropriate learning techniques will promote the importance of the subject and will motivate the study and its application in the labor field.


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How to Cite

Palma Samaniego, M., Barragán Lucas, S. M., Bastidas Lara, I. I., & Panchi Castro, N. (2023). Attitudes towards statistics in students of the Escuela Superior Naval Cmdt. Rafael Moran Valverde: Attitudes towards statistics in students of the Escuela Superior Naval Cmdt. Rafael Moran Valverde. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(3), 615–622. Retrieved from




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