The educator's of the first childhood preparation in the formation professional ludic

The educator's of the first childhood preparation in the formation professional ludic


  • Mayra Bárbara Sagarra Téllez Escuela Pedagógica Floro Regino Pérez de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Irelis de la Caridad Escalona Vázquez Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Alina Peña García Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Alexis Céspedes Quiala Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


formation; educator; ludic-professional; methodology


Introduction: The current progress of society imposes, more and more, to attend the development of the teaching-learning process in the upper secondary education of the early childhood educator for the playful in correspondence with the Profile of the Graduate and the III Improvement of the System National of Education. That is why the objective of this work focuses on the development of a methodology for the recreational-professional training of the student in the early childhood educator specialty, which contributes to raising its quality in the pedagogical schools of the Santiago de Chile province. Cuba. Materials and methods: In this process, action research, participant observation and discussion groups were used, through the use of theoretical, empirical and statistical-mathematical methods that revealed the existence of pedagogical and didactic deficiencies that must be resolved for the achievement of a graduate with a comprehensive and comprehensive training. Results: From the previous considerations, a cognitive apparatus is offered from the proposed methodology, containing theoretical, practical and instrumental foundations, which from its relationships emerges a method with its procedures, which leads to a ludic-professional training logic of the students in the early childhood educator specialty. Discussion: In correspondence with the demands of society based on the purpose of education for this educational level, which is to achieve the maximum possible integral development of each girl and boy from birth to six years of age. Conclusions: The above has allowed to consolidate the impact of the knowledge created and its implementation in the different educational contexts of this level of education in the province, in correspondence with the transformations that are operated in the Pedagogical Schools, by showing the elevation of the indicators of efficiency and quality in them, which contributes to increasing the quality of the training process.


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How to Cite

Sagarra Téllez, M. B., Escalona Vázquez, I. de la C., Peña García, A., & Céspedes Quiala, A. (2023). The educator’s of the first childhood preparation in the formation professional ludic: The educator’s of the first childhood preparation in the formation professional ludic. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(2), 356–366. Retrieved from




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