Impact of the flipped classroom technique on active learning of middle school students
Impact of the flipped classroom technique on active learning of middle school students
Active techniques, flipped classroom, teaching-learning, critical thinkingAbstract
Introduction: The objective of the research was to establish the impact of the flipped classroom technique on the active learning of middle school students of the 12 de Octubre Basic Education School. Materials and methods: For the fulfillment of the study, the qualitative and quantitative methodology was used, in addition the Delphi method was used to consult experts, the research was descriptive, documentary, the technique coexisted in the survey, which helped to make the diagnosis. The same that was tabulated by the SPS25. Results: The one that allowed verifying the reliability of the instrument using Cronbach's Alpha, resulting in .96. It was found that the flipped classroom technique allows leaving traditional media to move to an active methodology, making students the active protagonists of their teaching-learning process. Discussion: The Flipped classroom methodology has benefited the way of teaching and learning because it allows the student to learn autonomously through different digital resources provided by the teacher in order to make learning dynamic and practical, improving academic, attitudinal and motivational. Conclusions: It significantly improves the learning achievements of the students, increasing their motivation and creativity, helping them to overcome their difficulties through individual, progressive learning, in the style of each one.
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