Educational application for the introduction to the subject Gyneco-Obstetric Nursing

Educational application for the introduction to the subject Gyneco-Obstetric Nursing


  • Iraima Savón Palacios Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Blanca Rosa Pérez Labrada Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba
  • Norielis García Pérez Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, Cuba


educational application; software; introduction to the subject


Introduction: The teaching-learning medium constitutes a support tool that facilitates access to the contents of the introduction of the Gynecobstetric Nursing subject in the Nursing Degree course. It addresses the topics in a pedagogical and practical way about the introduction to the subject, an update that is related to the classification of the female reproductive system, the menstrual cycle, the ovarian cycle, as well as the function of the placenta and amniotic fluid, necessary elements. to introduce yourself to the subject. Materials and methods: This study took into account the didactic applications of the Android Studio software. Results: It was carried out given the need to provide students with the basic contents for the introduction to the subject with the aim of promoting the use of these new information technologies, favoring the process of computerization of society, as well as facilitating the process of teaching and learning. Discussion: The pedagogical foundation is based on the enhancement of scientific knowledge, through self-learning, as a result of the interactive nature of this computer product. Conclusions: All this analysis allowed us to understand the characteristics that a computer teaching medium should have to be used in the dynamic analysis of algorithms, and on these theoretical bases we designed the software as a computer medium to support the dynamic analysis of algorithms in the real conditions that establish the study plans and the characteristics of the technological park of the university.


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How to Cite

Savón Palacios, I., Pérez Labrada, B. R., & García Pérez, N. (2023). Educational application for the introduction to the subject Gyneco-Obstetric Nursing: Educational application for the introduction to the subject Gyneco-Obstetric Nursing. Maestro Y Sociedad, 1–5. Retrieved from



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