Educational actions for school coexistence through physical activities in Guayaquil

Educational actions for school coexistence through physical activities in Guayaquil


  • Martha Beatriz Guzmán Rugel Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • Rita Amada Navarrete Ramírez Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador


school coexistence, physical activities, Ecuadorian education


Introduction: The objective of the research was to propose educational actions through physical activities in an educational institution in the city of Guayaquil based on Kurt Lewin's theory to improve coexistence and school discipline in high school students.
Materials and methods: The methodology used is a quantitative approach of a proactive type with a non-experimental design. Other methods such as survey, documentary analysis were used.
Results: High school students have problems in terms of their coexistence and discipline, which is based on the results that more than half of the classroom have discipline difficulties as well as severe problems of coexistence and school discipline that has been evidenced by the problem that our high school students have and a minimum percentage of students who have an acceptable coexistence and discipline.
Discussion: Violence brings consequences of affectations in all citizens, especially in schoolchildren, in addition to interfering in learning processes at all levels, it affects life in democracy and harmonious coexistence.
Conclusions: The proposal is based on the Kurt Lewin Field Theory, who proposes group dynamics as well as shed great light on socio-educational inquiry, proposes group activities which work focused and motivated by the people who make up the team, where they can share fears, desires, interests in confidence to improve.


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How to Cite

Guzmán Rugel, M. B. ., & Navarrete Ramírez, R. A. . (2023). Educational actions for school coexistence through physical activities in Guayaquil: Educational actions for school coexistence through physical activities in Guayaquil. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(1), 231–236. Retrieved from




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