Design methodology and impact of thematic blogs as an educational tool in professional training

Design methodology and impact of thematic blogs as an educational tool in professional training


  • Elizabeth Larrondo Pons Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Gustavo Cervantes Montero Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Angel Sánchez Roca Universidad de Oriente, Cuba


thematic blog, Mechatronic, design, educational resource, teaching-learning


Introduction: This paper proposes a methodology for the design of thematic blogs. For the development of the methodology, a thematic blog is carried out as an educational resource for the teaching of Mechatronics.
Materials and methods: The logical sequence for the design of thematic blogs is established and the selection of the theme and aspects to be taken into account for the selection of the contents and final structure of the blog are addressed. The validation of the impact of the proposal is carried out from surveys to students in the Mechanical Engineering career.
Results: The thematic blog, designed, is used as complementary material of the subject to consolidate the knowledge of the students, thus strengthening the teaching-learning process. The results of the study demonstrated the positive impact of using thematic blogs as a tool in the training of professionals in higher education.
Discussion: the Blog constitutes a potential educational tool whose main value lies in the fact that teachers and students use creativity in order to generate learning and raise the quality of teaching.
Conclusions: The proposed methodology allows establishing the sequence of work when preparing a thematic blog.


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How to Cite

Larrondo Pons, E. ., Cervantes Montero, G. ., & Sánchez Roca, A. . (2023). Design methodology and impact of thematic blogs as an educational tool in professional training: Design methodology and impact of thematic blogs as an educational tool in professional training. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(1), 65–71. Retrieved from




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