Diagnosis of investigative skills as a premise for the development of problem-based learning
Diagnosis of investigative skills as a premise for the development of problem-based learning
problem-based learning; natural Sciences; investigative skillsAbstract
Introduction: The objective of the work was to diagnose investigative skills as a premise for the development of problem-based learning, in the Natural Sciences careers that are part of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, at the Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz University of Camagüey.
Materials and methods: Of the empirical methods, surveys were applied to students and teachers.
Results: It was evidenced that students present difficulties in the search for information in printed and digital texts, taking a personal position on a subject and communicating information orally.
Discussion: In the consulted bibliography, the studies on investigative skills carried out by various authors justify that these constitute a necessity because research is not only one of the substantive processes of the university, but also represents a specific function of professional work, it is also linked to a way of thinking and acting that prepares the graduate to successfully face the demands of scientific-technical development.
Conclusions: It is concluded that the diagnosis demonstrated the need to develop research skills in students, in the same way, teachers must develop a work dynamic that guarantees the development of these skills that allow the processes of analysis, synthesis, comparison and interpretation, the strengthening of skills in writing, searching for information, and drawing conclusions as a premise for the implementation of problem-based learning.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Mercedes Caridad García González, Humberto Silvio Varela de Moya, Lina Aurora Campos Martínez, Renier Mejías Salazar
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