The learning of students with intellectual disabilities in Higher Education

The learning of students with intellectual disabilities in Higher Education


  • Lidya Dolores Alulima Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica, Ecuador
  • Leonor Margarita Mena Chiluisa Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica, Ecuador
  • Emma Claudina Guevara Vallejo Universidad Tecnológica Indoamérica, Ecuador


intellectual disability; university education; inclusion; bibliometric analysis


Introduction: The objective of the research is to analyze the intellectual disability construct, its characteristics and pedagogical strategies that teachers must use in the teaching-learning processes, according to the characteristics of the students.
Materials and methods: The focus of the study is qualitative, with a non-experimental design and an exploratory scope. A documentary review was carried out through the use of the Prisma methodology, which made it possible to analyze the phenomenon under study and draw conclusions.
Results: The results obtained allow us to affirm that intellectual disability demands mastery of knowledge, methodologies, didactic strategies and the use of Information and Communication Technologies to promote a satisfactory insertion of students in the university context.
Discussion: Higher education institutions must implement study programs and methodologies to strengthen the professional skills of students with intellectual disabilities, ensuring a quality inclusion approach that responds to the individual and group needs of the student body.
Conclusions: Today's society requires highly trained teachers to serve students with intellectual disabilities, who promote good inclusion practices through innovative proposals, which allow promoting their development and comprehensive training in higher education.


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How to Cite

Dolores Alulima, L. ., Mena Chiluisa, L. M. ., & Guevara Vallejo, E. C. . (2023). The learning of students with intellectual disabilities in Higher Education: The learning of students with intellectual disabilities in Higher Education. Maestro Y Sociedad, 20(1), 25–33. Retrieved from


