Lexical-semantic relationships as a way to work with the vocabulary in the Secondary Basic educational level
Lexical-semantic relationships as a way to work with the vocabulary in the Secondary Basic educational level
vocabulary, polysemy, junior high school, lexical-semantic relationshipsAbstract
The treatment of vocabulary, from the lexical-semantic relations at the Secondary Basic educational level, constitutes an essential objective to achieve efficient communicators. In the present work, the treatment of synonymy, antonymy and polysemy as lexical relations that teachers must master to improve the teaching-learning process at this educational level is deepened, and favor the enrichment of vocabulary in students so that may be able to use the mother tongue accurately in different contexts of action, through the appropriate use of lexical units. The use and triangulation of theoretical and empirical methods allowed the design of a typology of teaching tasks that, while serving as tools for the teacher's work, make it easier for the student to use synonyms and antonyms consciously in their communication at the Secondary educational level Basic.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Miladis de la Rosa-Marrero , Yaquelin Cruz-Palacios, Melba Estévez-Lobaina , Yamileydis Soca-Rigñack
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