Influence of virtual teaching on creative thinking

Influence of virtual teaching on creative thinking


  • Nair Diana Alarcón-Arroyo Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Perú


Creative thinking, virtual teaching, ICT


This article aims to analyze the influence of virtual teaching on the creative thinking of students. The documentary analysis method was used, including various sources of information, especially articles in scientific journals. Creative thinking is a key element of critical thinking, and considering its development requires being in tune with virtualization in education. The results show that virtual education positively influences the creative thinking of students. It has been shown that the gradual integration of technology in the educational process provides a positive change in critical and creative thinking, being determining factors of creative thinking skills in students, digital use, ICT skills, teacher commitment and teaching digital skills. From here new challenges are glimpsed to achieve the formation of more autonomous, critical, reflective and creative people.


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How to Cite

Alarcón-Arroyo, N. D. . (2022). Influence of virtual teaching on creative thinking: Influence of virtual teaching on creative thinking. Maestro Y Sociedad, 19(4), 1528–1537. Retrieved from


