Use of alternative material for the development of logical operations of mathematical thinking




early education, alternative material, logical-mathematical thinking, early childhood


The theme that is developed in this research aims to investigate the use of alternative material to develop the logical operations of mathematical thinking, by teachers of Initial and High School Education, residing in the city of Quito, in Ecuador. For this, emphasis is placed on the development of thinking during early childhood, exclusively in children between the ages of 5 and 6 years. The methodology used in this article has a qualitative approach and the scope is descriptive. To do this, a bibliographic review is carried out to collect the information from various bibliographic sources. A survey was applied as a data collection instrument, where important results were obtained that allow future research to try to understand and solve the lack of knowledge of teachers regarding the logical operations of mathematical thinking. Likewise, the Ecuadorian educational community must be made aware that it is essential to encourage the development of logical-mathematical thinking from early childhood. Only in this way can an integral development of the infancy be achieved, in academic, social and personal aspects.


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How to Cite

, , , & . (2022). Use of alternative material for the development of logical operations of mathematical thinking: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 19(2), 661–673. Retrieved from




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