Inclusive education: a view from theory




inclusive culture, inclusive pedagogy, inclusive practice, normative requirement, intermediation models


This paper presents a theoretical exposition about inclusive education in Ecuador, from a critical study of the different sources consulted. First, key points of the regulations are presented, as well as a combination of theoretical elements and experiences related to the implementation of programs related to the inclusive practice in the Ecuadorian educational system. Finally, it reflects on the role of information and communication technologies in inclusive education, with emphasis on the treatment of students with special educational needs. It was possible to recognize, at the end of this research, that the effectiveness of any state policy on the subject, requires a paradigm shift at the institutional level and on the part of teachers, as protagonists of the process from their responsive work from the rupture of traditionalist schemes.


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How to Cite

(2022). Inclusive education: a view from theory: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 19(1), 501–514. Retrieved from




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