Teaching experiences of national citizen observance of electoral control




Teaching experiences; Observance; Electoral control


The objective of the research is to socialize teaching experiences of national citizen observance of electoral control in Ecuador. Educational institutions are identified as those that leave traces in the members who go through them, not only learning but also legacies of the time and culture in which education is passed. Among the fundamental antecedents of the subject are Pichón (2017); Córdova (2020); Martínez (2020) who show paradigms of the pedagogical link with society and the role of the current teacher, however, do not reveal the most appropriate ways to achieve these ends. For the research development, various methods and techniques were used, such as synthesis, inductive-deductive analysis, documentary analysis, observation, interviews and surveys. The results obtained after the compliance process carried out from January to July 2021 are presented, as well as the actions carried out through a strategy aimed at teachers, to promote the university-society link.


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6. Martínez Chacón, O. (2020). Diagnóstico y educación de las potencialidades creativas como dimensión de competencia profesional. Una propuesta Teórico - metodológica. (Tesis doctoral inédita). La Habana: Universidad de La Habana.
7. Pichón Riviére, E. (2017). Aplicaciones de la pedagogía social. Buenos Aires: Galerna.
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How to Cite

(2022). Teaching experiences of national citizen observance of electoral control: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 19(1), 430–442. Retrieved from https://maestroysociedad.uo.edu.cu/index.php/MyS/article/view/5509


