Intercultural District Educational Networks as a socio-pedagogical strategy in education
Networks, interculturality, teaching performanceAbstract
The purpose of this article is to disseminate the experience of the organization and operation of the Intercultural District Educational Networks (REDI) as a socio-pedagogical strategy for education, which contributes to the improvement of the quality of the educational service of Basic Education students Regulate in the jurisdiction of the Chicha river slope; action implemented as a practice that mobilizes all educational actors. For the design and systematization of the experience, the convergence of quantitative and qualitative methods has been chosen. The results of the experience range from pedagogical mobilization to form and organize the REDI, strengthen their capacities with Intercultural Bilingual Education, support and advice in the context of pedagogical practice and articulated assistance to local governments. The REDIs articulate spaces for the improvement of the performance of teachers and managers in their application.
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