Ecology of learning in apurímac during the health emergency due to Covid 19 during the year 2021




Learning ecosystem, learning ecology, dimensions, pedagogical proposal, connectivity


The objective of this study is to “Identify the elements that make up the new learning ecosystems as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in the 7 provinces of Apurímac during the year 2021. The methodological proposal to identify the learning ecosystems in Apurímac are within the framework of epistemic mapping. The online questionnaire application. The results obtained in the family dimension show that 61% of mothers of families accompany in the learning processes of children of initial education and primary education, as well as 35% of parents have joined the task of accompanying their youngest children in the learning processes. In addition, they allow a direct relationship between 2 important factors (Connectivity and Curricular Proposal) that correspond to different dimensions; the connectivity factor corresponds to the community dimension and the proposed curricular factor to the school dimension.


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How to Cite

(2022). Ecology of learning in apurímac during the health emergency due to Covid 19 during the year 2021: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 19(1), 105–120. Retrieved from


