Prevention of obesity in times of pandemic in children with Down syndrome




overweight, adapted games, Down syndrome, curricular adaptations, vulnerability


Special education for children with intellectual disabilities has been one of the priorities of the Cuban State in ensuring their health and their social inclusion, while in the current pandemic conditions, work is directed towards their homes. In this sense, the present work addresses the problem of overweight and obese girls and boys with Down Syndrome from the “Littlefinger” Children's Circle, which, due to their vulnerability to covid-19 and its effect, is proposed to apply a therapeutic preventive social work from home to respond to the problem of obesity and overweight in them. Theoretical, empirical, technical and measurement methods were applied to calculate the body mass index using the percentile table in the weight / height ratio established by Cuban standards.


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How to Cite

, , , & . (2021). Prevention of obesity in times of pandemic in children with Down syndrome: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 18(3), 1222–1229. Retrieved from




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