System of actions to systematize the algebraic contents in the Mechanical Engineering Degree




Action System, students, directional derivative, gradient vector


This research has as aim to devise a system of actions to systematize the algebraic contents of Algebra Lineal subject, given in the first semester of first year in Mechanical Engineering Degree, to help the learning process of directional derivatives and gradient vector calculation in Mathematics II subject, given in the later semester. For that, it was selected a sample of Mechanical Engineering students of first year; the methodological indications, the systems of skills and knowledge of “Mathematics II” subject were analyzed; and they were conducted interviews to teachers. From these preliminary results, it was elaborated a system of actions to apply, that it was subjected to valuation using empirical methods, being proven that this it contributes to correct application of directional derivatives and gradient vector concepts in the solution of engineering problems.


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How to Cite

, , & . (2020). System of actions to systematize the algebraic contents in the Mechanical Engineering Degree: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 17(4), 987–998. Retrieved from




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