Model of integrative formation in COVID 19 in the emerging complexity of the context




Students of medicine; COVID 19; pandemic; Multi-disciplinary performance; Integrative didactics


The professional training of medical sciences in Cuba faces new challenges defined in the emerging complexity of the current world context: the globalization of the economy and its impact on Health, the scientific-technical improvement, the benefits of communication, the quantitative increase and qualitative information, in addition to the appearance of complex diseases that require epistemological, praxiological and axiological transcendence, COVID 19 typifies the above. It has been verified that despite the advances in Cuban medical training, there are still insufficiencies in the application of an integrative didactic when interpreting the current clinical-cultural reality. From this perspective, a pedagogical model was designed from the scientific conception of the Configuration Holistic for the multidisciplinary and intersectoral performance of medical students that guarantees the prevention, diagnosis and timely treatment of this pandemic. The methods used were: analysis-synthesis, holistic dialectic, modeling and bibliographic analysis.



How to Cite

, , , & . (2020). Model of integrative formation in COVID 19 in the emerging complexity of the context: Array. Maestro Y Sociedad, 199–210. Retrieved from



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